
Kendall Cosmetic Botox

Sonrie Dental Studio proudly offers clients in Kendall Cosmetic Botox services. With its many therapeutic properties, Botox is utilized in both dental and cosmetic applications. It has proven effective in cosmetic procedures such as eliminating crow's feet, frown lines, and forehead lines. The Botox protein can also be used to help treat dental conditions related to jaw and facial pain.

Botox Treatment

At Sonrie Dental Studio, our clients in Kendall for cosmetic Botox choose our services as an alternative for high lip line cases, dental and orthodontic cases with extreme sensitivity to new devices, or lip augmentation. Botox can be used as a minimally invasive alternative to surgery when treating a variety of dental cases at our offices in both Kendall and Miami.

By relaxing the muscles cells, clients in Kendall use cosmetic Botox for the treatment of TMJ, chronic migraines, and grinding and clenching of the teeth. In addition to the dental relief, your skin will gain a fresh and youthful appearance. Results typically show within 1-2 weeks of your Botox treatment and can last months. Give us a call to schedule your appointment.

  • It treats extreme jaw pain caused by TMJ.
  • Used to keep crow’s feet, frown lines, and forehead lines under control by preventing them from deteriorating over time.
  • Results will show form 1 to 2 weeks.
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